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Travel Photography ( Backpacking Style )

If you are a backpacker and love photography, you surely know the challenge that one faces when combining light packing, wild adventure, unknown places and photography. There are a ton of blogs and vlogs out there with "travel photography gear" tips, however most of them are aimed at a breed of travellers, the ones that stay in hotels, catch tour buses ect ect. This however is for the Backpackers, the people that call hostel their home or sometimes even a couch or the ground. The ones with little plans but big dreams, the ones that are out there for an adventure and don't need heavy gear slowing them down.

Above - East Fjords - Iceland

I have been into photography for a couple years, and have had all sorts of cameras, and I finally think I found the best package for travelling. (unless you have $6000).

Above - My travel photography gear.


Olympus Omd Em-1 Camera

The camera weighing only 475 grams, pretty much the same weight as a full wallet. What makes this small camera even better is the fact that its a Micro 4/3, meaning that the sensor size is smaller than the big Cannon and Nikon cameras that you see tourist lob around. But don't be disheartened, what this camera lacks in size it makes up for in everything else.

The things that make this camera great:

1. Its super lights - 475grams

11. Its Weather and water sealed - meaning you can use it in rain or snow

111. Because its a Micro 4/3 the lenses are much smaller, lighter and cheaper than the ones for big cameras.

1v. It is incredibly sharp - with the right lens this camera can be extremely powerful.

v. It has a 5- axis in body stabiliser ( meaning that you can take sharp photos in low light, and great video without all that annoying shaking )

v1. The batteries are tiny and last a long time.

v11. It has a very sturdy build, meaning it will survive real use. I've drop this camera from at least 1 meter a few times and it still works perfectly.

v111. When compared to other cameras of the same image quality, this is easily one of the cheaper options.

( if the EM1 is a little expensive, you could also get the Em5 mark 11 for a few hundred dollars cheaper )


Olympus 12-40mm f2.8 Pro

So far on most of my trips I have only taken this one lens, and it has outdone its self every single time. Because the EM1 is a Micro 4/3, the focal length ( Zoom ) is doubled, making this lens a 24-80mm when compared to big full frame cameras.

The things that make this lens great:

1. It is incredibly sharp

11. Like the EM1 it is also weather and water resistant

111. The build is solid and of a very high quality

1v. The glass is a match to the L- series Canon lenses which cost much much more.

v. The weight is pretty heavy for a camera of this size 382grams, however when considering how sharp, tough, and fast this lens is, the weight becomes no problem.

v1. The high aperture of f2.8 means that this lens will do great in low light, as well as being very versatile. Making it a great lens for landscape, portraiture and sport.

Olympus 75mm f1.8

I recently added this lens to my kit, but so far I am blown away by the results. It out performs my Canon 6d with a L series lens which is more than triple the price of this lens.

1. This is the sharpest Lens I have ever used.

11. The super high aperture of f1.8 makes it a great portrait and low light lens

111. Superb build quality

1v. Just 304grams for a lens of this sharpness and focal length is unbelievable


1. Memory Card

I always use small memory cards up to 16gb. The reason being is that if I lose or damage the card, I've only lost some of the photos and still have another card to use. In addition it is actually cheaper to buy two 16GB cards then one 62GB. Its a win win.

11. Memory Card holder.

These are super cheap, keep your memory cards safe and makes it harder to loose those little things. They weight virtually nothing so its not a burden on your back.

111. Tripod.

I use a Manfrotto tripod. Unsure of the model, however Its small and light. The great thing about this set up is that the camera is so light that the tripod doesn't have to be super big and sturdy to do a good job.

1v. Hard Drive

As well as storing my movies, I also back up all my photos onto this hard drive. In addition I upload my best photos onto Dropbox for safe keeping.

Below are some images I took with the Olympus OMD em1. I also own a Cannon 6d, and this camera produces very similar results, in some cases even sharper images.

Olympus OMD Em1 - 12-40mm f2.8 PRO

Olympus OMD Em1 - 12-40mm f2.8 PRO

Olympus OMD Em1 - 12-40mm f2.8 PRO

Olympus OMD Em1 - 12-40mm f2.8 PRO

Olympus OMD Em1 - 12-40mm f2.8 PRO


The Olympus OMD Em1 is the perfect camera ( in my opinion ), if you are a passionate photographer but also a light traveller. Being tough, light, easy to use, and cheaper than many other cameras of this quality. It will fit in your carry on with no problem, it will survive rain and snow and even some negligent use, and the lenses, batteries and tripods are going to be much cheaper and lighter when compared to a canon or nikon.

I would also like to mentioned that I am not sponsored by Olympus and this is my genuine opinion,.

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